| | | Hey kids! Thanks to sports, it's a small world after all. Just look how sports can connect two people in the news last week.
Six Degrees of Separation
According to a report, Tonya Harding was negotiating with a Las Vegas promoter to perform in some sort of topless skating show. Although there have been some denials, this week the Las Vegas Sun quoted publicist Phil Lobell as saying there were such negotitations. "All I can say is denial or no denial, never say never," he told the Sun. |
Harding skated in the 1994 Olympics, as did Brian Boitano. The 1988 gold medalist is saluted in the movie "South Park: Bigger, Longer, Uncut" with an inspiring number titled, "What Would Brian Boitano Do?" Among the Gershwin-esque lyrics: "What would Brian Boitano do/If he were here today? I'm sure he would kick an ass or two/That's Brian Boitano would do." |
In that same movie, a war breaks out between the United State. and Canada when the Great White North bombs the home of the Baldwin brothers, killing all four. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you feel about the Baldwins), Stephen Baldwin recovered from his screen death to take the lead role in the sequel to "Slap Shot," currently in production. |
Baldwin plays the player-coach of the Charleston Chiefs, doing his best to control the infamous Hanson Brothers, who return to the ice and the silver screen to reprise their iconic roles. "After 24 years of rehearsing, we've fine-tuned ourselves," Dave Hanson said. "We're going to put Gladiator to shame. We should be talking to designers for Oscar night."
Well, maybe -- "Slap Shot 2" is scheduled for a straight-to-video release. Still, former NHL-defenseman Dave Babych says that playing a cameo role in the movie alongside the Hanson Brothers, "could rank right up there with the Stanley Cup." |
Babych played in the 1983 and 1984 NHL All-Star Game against Ray Bourque, who finally won a Stanley Cup last weekend after 22 seasons in the NHL. His career goal fulfilled, Bourque is expected to retire. It is unclear whether he will team up with Harding in Las Vegas. |
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