| | | The earth is filled with frightening places. The parking lot of an Atlanta nightclub Super Bowl weekend. The spot behind Ron Dayne in the buffet line. The spot ahead of Ron Dayne in the buffet line. But of all the scariest places, none hold the horrors that await inside Art Modell's brain:
He finally reached the Super Bowl for the first time at age 75. But now that Art Modell's in the big show, he's perceived by many as more of a villian than a sentimental favorite.
So, what is the Ravens owner really thinking about this weekend?
Contains absolutely nothing.

Long-term memory center: "Hope those saps in Cleveland are enjoying the Super Bowl. (Memo to self: Have my assistant start the car before I get inside this week.)
Short-term memory center: Rolodex of U.S. mayors, 1-800 number for U-Haul and URL site for AmIHot.com
 "Memo to myself. Better remind Billick again to strictly enforce that curfew on Ray Lewis."
 "I wonder if Jason Sehorn will bring his fiancée to the Super Bowl party. Ohh, behave!"

Don't forget: "Leak it to the press that I'm inviting Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan to the owner's box as my personal guest on Sunday."