| | | He decided he'd rather stay with the lowly Devil Rays than join the heat of the pennant race with the first-place Cubs. So, what the heck is Fred McGriff thinking? Use your mouse to check out his inner thoughts.

"I keep telling Sammy that I'm allergic to ivy. I break out all over the place. It's really ugly." |

"I hate day games. I can't stand to get up early. Plus, the sun makes my ivy allergy even worse." |
"I've already bought $16,000 worth of plane tickets for an October vacation with my family. And they're nonrefundable!" |

"Tom Emanski says get in front of the ball. Tom says glove to the ground. Tom says use two hands. Tom says Chicago is cold in the winter." |

"If Sosa needs protection so bad, why doesn't he call Tony. He's not doing anything until at least next May." |

"Maybe I should have looked in the paper before I made this decision. The Cubs really are in first place." |

"I might reconsider if the Cubs can get me a nickname that's a little more intimidating." |
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