St. Louis Blues defenseman Chris Pronger will share his All-Star experience with ESPN.com from now through the game on Sunday. Pronger, 25, is playing in his second All-Star Game (he played last year as well) -- this time as a starter for the North American squad. The native of Dryden, Ontario, is third on the Blues in scoring with 39 points and second-best among NHL defensemen.
Dear Diary,
Well, it's here. The All-Star Game. Toronto. It should be a great time, especially in this city where the game was played 50 years ago.
I'm sitting here in the dressing room stretching and looking at all of the great players. It's amazing when I look at this talent, and I'm here with them. This could never get old, I'll tell you that.
The skills competition was fun, although we lost. I'll fill you in on that later today after the All-Star Game.
Day 6: Saturday, Feb. 5
All's well here In Toronto. The skills competition is tonight. Should be a blast
in the literal sense because I am in the Hardest Shot competition against the
likes of Al MacInnis, so it should be a treat. He really can't shoot that
hard. ... Yeah, right!
Then, a breakaway against, yes you guessed it, teammate Roman
Turek. I am not sure what move I am going to use, but let's just say this one
is for bragging rights, so I better use a good one.
We had an early rise today with a light practice. Then, it was off to let the media
sink their hooks into us. This is usually one of the fun times because you
get to rap with all the guys who usually cover each team, so you sometimes
can get some scoops on teams if you're lucky.
Then, it was off to NHL Fantasy to play the winner of the EA Sports hockey
contest. Now, let me tell you that I'm no dream on the Playstation, so as
expected, I was crushed by my opponent, 4-0. I think he let up on me, so that I
could save face.
Well, it is time to go get ready for the Skills. ... CYA
Day 5: Friday, Feb. 4
With all the excitement and buzz around here I almost forgot about you. Whoops!!
It has been a very slow day (Friday) so far, not much sleep after a long plane ride home from Vancouver last night. Then it was a quick packing job and off to catch another plane for, Toronto! Thank God I'm finally here.
My emotions are beginning to get going knowing that all my friends and family
will be here soon. Then it's off to dinner and who knows what after that.
Probably some crazy shenanigans and what not.
Diary, I am not quite sure what I will be doing tomorrow in the skills
competition, but it will be fun to see all the guys compete to see who is the
best at what. Many fans I'm sure will be placing wagers on the event to see
who comes away as the cream of the crop, the North American squad or the
World squad.
I'm sure the good guys will come through in the end. Hopefully, with a little help from my good friend Roman (Turek), who'll be in net for the World Team. "Hey buddy just remember to keep
the five-hole open!"
Well I have to run and grab some chow but we'll talk tomorrow for another update.
Day 4: Thursday, Feb. 3
It is now really starting to sink in that the All-Star Game is only three
days away. It will be a blast, I'm sure. Having all my family and friends
around will make it all the more special.
Hopefully, the weather in
Toronto cooperates, and we have some nice sunny skies to help the North
American team on to victory.
I found out that my fellow teammate, Roman Turek, will replace Hasek in goal. That is great news for our team, as we were all disappointed for him when he was not appointed to the team the first go around. Hopefully, I will own him in the game like I do in practice. Just kidding Roman ... not.
We still have one more big test before heading to Toronto, that being
the Canucks. A scary team to play because you are never sure which team will
show up. They pose a lot of problems in the match-up part of the equation. But, I'm sure our players will be equal to the task.
Looking forward to finally getting to Toronto and my next letter will be from
the hockey hotbed of Canada. I'll be writing soon. ... C-ya.
Day 3: Wednesday, Feb. 2
That was a close one last night against Calgary ... almost blew it! Whew!
We just arrived in Vancouver, the All-Star buzz is starting to hit me, I think. Only
four more days 'til the "big game". Emotions are really starting to fly as I
think about all the excitement that will be around the city of
Toronto. What a great place to kick off the new millennium! The hockey
hotbed of Canada.
It was a very average day for me today. Down to the rink early again for
treatment on my ankle before practice. I needed to practice today because I
feel sluggish with too many days off the ice before a game.
Practice was a lot of fun today. We played role reversal today, as some of the forwards
played defense, and the defense got to play forward. Then, we played a little
2-on-0 drill that was won by the defenseman ... again. Ha ha. After practice was
over, we had a breakaway contest between the three coaches with the wily veteran
Jimmy Roberts winning in a shootout against Coach Q.
Soon, it was off to catch our flight to Vancouver, but not before a stop
at Al MacInnis's favorite drive-in burger joint. Not bad either! Now, again
tonight I'm off for dinner with a friend and then a good night's sleep to get
prepared for a hungry Vancouver team that will be looking for blood going
into the All-Star break.
Day 2: Tuesday, Feb. 1
Well, I'm here in a very warm (45 degrees) Calgary, Alberta. We play the
Flames tonight (Tuesday). The Flames have really been playing well so it should be a
good game.
As I mentioned yesterday, I was going to hook up with one of my
friends. We went to dinner at Earl's Tin Palace. Had a great
time talking about old times.
I woke up this morning and my foot was still a little sore. I didn't skate
again today, but went for treatment. It is making some progress, but slow.
I'm hoping to play tonight, but it might be game time before I know for sure.
Overall, my day was pretty low-key. I went to the mall to buy a new pair of shoes for the All-Star Game. Speaking of
the All-Star Game, it's only five days away. I'm definitely getting excited about being there.
I also took a short one-hour nap and am now getting ready to head
over to the rink. I better go. Talk to you tomorrow.
Day 1: Monday, Jan. 31
What a Super Bowl yesterday -- extremely exciting with a great finish! I hope that is just the beginning for St. Louis sports teams and fans alike.
My Sunday started off quite slow, with a little treatment on my bruised foot
which happened to get in the way of another slapshot. Surprise, surprise!
Then it was right to the couch for some lounging around before the big game
was to commence. Chills were racing up and down my spine waiting for the game to
get going. I can't imagine the feeling the players were feeling before the game in Atlanta. It
must have been quite intense!
It finally started, and the anticipation of
the game began to subside. Our Rams played a very exciting game, and as
everyone now knows, they were victorious. Way to go, Rams!
Then it was off to bed to get ready for practice on Monday, which got off to a rough start. My foot is still swollen enough that, for precautionary measures, I will take the day off from skating.
Just treatment and a good weights session for me today, before we head to the
airport to catch our flight for Calgary. I am hoping I will be able to meet up with an old friend from back home when we arrive. I have not seen Steve since our last trip to Calgary at the beginning of the season. It is always great to see old friends.
Well I must run to the gate for our flight. I will write again tomorrow.
Chris Pronger All-Star diary: Final entry
Pronger, Bourque All-Star blueline bookends

Chris Pronger contemplates his first diary entry. avi: 1300 k RealVideo: 56.6 | ISDN | T1