Should he or shouldn't he? And if he did, would he ruin that reputation of his? Here's what you had to say about a potential return to the NBA for Michael Jordan:
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Raise your hands if you think Jordan should just stick to golf. |
He'd be crazy!
Jordan is crazy to come back. He went out better than any other player could ever dream of. Most players dream about going out hitting their last shot that they take. Jordan did one better than that by hitting a shot to win the game, and third championship in a row. Even if he were to come back he wouldn't be able to go out any better than that.
Bill Comb
Beverly, Mass.
Accompished everything already
My opinion is Jordan has no reason to come back, because he has accomplished everything he needs to. It would be hard for me seeing 23 in a Wizards uniform. The last memory I have of MJ's career is when he shook Bryon Russell to knock the shot that gave him and his Bulls their 6th NBA title. For me I hope that is the memory I have of Jordan playing, because if he comes it won't be the same Air Jordan.
Jerid Wynn
Denton, Texas
He'll still be great
How can Michael Jordan's legacy ever be hurt? The guy was the greatest athlete of the 20th Century... 6 NBA Titles in the Dying Dynasty Age. If he does come back, even at 39, he will still be a great player, even if he is not the greatest player in the world. I really don't think anyone would think less of him, he's probably the only one who would feel like his legacy would be tarnished. He will always be the greatest player to ever live, and that is his legacy.
Ah, just to see him again
Whether or not Michael Jordan played up to his past standards would be irrelevant. Just seeing Michael on the court again would be awesome. It would be like Picaso coming back for one final painting or Beethoven coming back for one final concert. Who cares whether or not their work would live up to their past standards just seeing them in action again would raise the hairs on the back of your neck. Please come back Michael, even just for one year, one week, or one game!!
Jacques Dugger
Taylor, Mich.
He'd still be competitive
I still think that his game will be very competitive, if not the best in the game. His mind for the game, his knowledge, and his work ethic will keep Michael Jordan on top of the NBA.
Adrian Solis
Costa Mesa, Calif.
Nothing to prove
Jordan is undoubtedly the best basketball player the world has ever seen, and arguably the best athlete America has ever produced. He left at the top of his game, winning a championship. He left at the top of his game and on his own terms. Jordan, you have nothing left to prove.
Surujh Roopnarine
Central Islip, N.Y.
Slap in the face
If Michael Jordan comes back again it will be a slap in the face to the NBA. You can't just come and go when you want. I understand he still wants to play basketball but he should of thought of that when he first retired. And whatever happened to him saying "My dad got to see me play my last game," that was a lie.
Daniel Posey
Frederick, Colo.
Let's remember him this way
I don't think MJ's legacy as the greatest player ever would be put in jeopardy by a comeback. However, if he came back with diminished skills it would put him in the group of great atheletes who either came back when they shouldn't have or hung on too long. I would rather remember MJ for his domination of the game and for sinking the last shot in the last seconds of the last game for the championship. We would all be so lucky to exit our careers in such a fashion. I believe Michael will stay put for that very reason.
Jason Rubio
Tampa, Fla.
He could meet expectations
If Michael Jordan makes another comeback, the effect on his legacy would depend on how he plays. He wouldn't necessarily have to dunk from the free throw line, but if his skills have diminished too far, it seems likely that some of the sheen would be lost from his final shot in Utah. On the other hand, MJ is the type of athlete who has not only risen to meet huge expectations, but exceeded them. I think he would only comeback if he could play at a very high level; a level of play that would enhance his legacy. It would be one more incredible feat: returning to ball in his late 30s and scoring 40 and hitting game-winning shots.
Paul Stenzel
Birnamwood, Wis.
Does his ego need it?
Michael Jordan should NOT come back -- I mean does his ego need it that much. He is the best individual player of all time and played for one of the best teams of all time, what else does this self centered guy need. It was a mistake when Magic came back and he was my favorite player and it would be a mistake for MJ, the NBA can't beg him whenever they aren't doing well. Someday MJ will be gone and I guess the NBA will too.
Shawn Showers
Iowa City, Iowa
Hey, Mario did it...
Michael Jordan is the best basketball player of all time. He may also very well be the greatest athlete of all time. No player has ever meant as much to their sport as he has. If MJ, were to come back he would only do so if he felt he could still compete at that same level of intensity, the Wizards would not be any worse having MJ, on the floor. Hey, Mario Lemiuex did so ...why not!
Kevin Marchetti
Charlotte, N.C.