ALSO SEE Teddy Ballgame made Fenway memories
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Splinters: Quotes on or by Ted Williams

Quotes By Williams
"A man has to have goals--for a day, for a lifetime--and that was mine, to have people say, 'There goes Ted Williams, the greatest hitter who ever lived.'"
"All managers are losers; they are the most expendable pieces of furniture on earth" -- Williams just before being made manager of the Wahington Senators in 1968.
"But I'll tell you this--I made up my mind a long time ago not to get to excited, no matter which way the crowd goes. I get paid for playing left field and for hitting that baseball. I am not a participant in a popularity contest." Williams in 1954
"I keep a couple of phony-baloney clip-on ties in the drawer just in case, but I never dress up anymore. The worst thing I can think of is to have to put on a coat and tie every day and go to work. The last time I wore a tuxedo was in 1940. It was a rental."
"I hope somebody hits .400 soon. Then people can start pestering that guy with questions about the last guy to hit .400."
Williams in 1980
"If there was ever a man born to be a hitter it was me."
Quotes about Williams
"You don't say anything to a .400 hitter except, 'How do you do sir.'" -- Joe McCarthy, a stickler for proper dress, answering a reporter who asked if he were going to require Williams to wear a tie.
"If he'd just tip his cap once, he could be elected Mayor of Boston in five minutes." -- Eddie Collins
"They can talk about Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb and Rogers Hornsby and Lou Gehrig and Joe DiMaggio and Stan Musial and all the rest, but I'm sure not one of them could hold cards and spades to Williams in his sheer knowledge of hitting. He studied hitting the way a broker studies the stock market, and could spot at a glance mistakes that others couldn't see in a week." -- Carl Yastrzemski
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