 | | Rookie of the year predictions
ESPN's Chris Mortensen gives his Rookie of the year prediction.
wav: 203 k
Real: 14.4 | 28.8 | 56.6
2000 NFC Champion
ESPN's Chris Mortensen gives his NFC predictions.
wav: 162 k
Real: 14.4 | 28.8 | 56.6
2000 AFC Champion
ESPN's Chris Mortensen gives his AFC predictions.
wav: 110 k
Real: 14.4 | 28.8 | 56.6
Super Bowl XXXV
ESPN's Chris Mortensen gives his Super Bowl XXXV.
wav: 133 k
Real: 14.4 | 28.8 | 56.6
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Five questions for Norv Turner
Washington Redskins head coach Norv Turner answered five questions from ESPN NFL reporter Chris Mortensen on September 2:
|  | Norv Turner says coaching an experienced team makes his job easier.
| Mort: I've heard from a lot of people, players included, that you appear to be more relaxed and confident than ever? Is it really that good?
Turner: I don't think it's that unusual. One of the things about this team is we have a very experienced, very mature, group of players. This group does not need someone to rant and rave all the time. We went through training camp and had one bad practice where I had to tell them, 'Shoot, that wasn't good enough guys.' We've got players who know how to work, who bring along the guys, the fence sitters, who you might need to rant and rave at. This is the same thing that happened to me in Dallas (as offensive coordinator). My first year, they thought I was a maniac. I'd yell and scream and cuss guys. In year three, one of the players said, 'You don't cuss us anymore.' And I said, 'Heck, I don't have to. . .you guys figured it out.' " That's what we have here now.
Mort: There's still a lot of people, media, fans and others, who think that Jeff George will be your quarterback if Brad Johnson stumbles. What do your players think?
Turner: I think it's very well established in our players' minds, not to mention the coaches, that Brad is our best quarterback. Everyone gets enamored with Jeff's arm, his ability to throw deep, and he can do that. But we were second in the NFL last year on plays of 20 yards or longer, and it all starts with Brad. In fact, during our only real rain day in camp, I put on a reel to show our players all the big plays we made last year. Brad's making all these throws with guys in his face, and our players are saying, wow, that's pretty good. I like having Jeff on the team, but Brad is the guy and that won't change, barring an injury.
Mort: Well, again, a lot of people think the owner (Daniel Snyder) will make life miserable for you by ordering you to play Jeff George at some point.
Turner: That's just a bunch of bull. There's no story there. He (Snyder) wouldn't do it. He knows I wouldn't do it. The owner is not a factor in a decision like that. End of story.
Mort: It seems like Chris Samuels is way ahead of LaVar Arrington. Is that a disappointment?
Turner: No, Samuels is playing a tough position, but learning that linebacker spot is more difficult, which is why we need LaVar signed on time. LaVar is getting better. He hit a guy in practice this week, I mean, he blew one our fullbacks up. I think the biggest adjustment for LaVar is that he may have been treated with kid gloves (at Penn State), and we've been hard on him, and that's new, another adjustment for him. But both these guys are as advertised. The tackle (Samuels) will be in the Pro Bowl in two years, and he'll go back every year after that.
Mort: Despite your differences, do you give credit to (former general manager) Charley Casserly for setting up the Redskins with some of the talent you've got on hand now?
Turner: Well, I guess I'll give him the same type of credit he tried to give me for the players when we were 0-7 (in '98). . .or should I say blame?
Mort's analysis
Norv Turner is confident because he's on top of his game. There are maybe a handful of great gameplanners and gameday play-callers in the NFL. I can think of three, for sure -- Turner, Mike Shanahan and Mike Holmgren and I guess you can throw the Rams' Mike Martz in there.
Funny thing is, Martz isn't afraid to tell anybody the best thing that's happened to him as an offensive coach was the time he spent under Turner with the Redskins. In fact, once Martz got to St. Louis last season, he started comparing the talent he had to work with compared to what Turner had in Washington and has told friends it wasn't even close. The Rams had far superior talent. The Redskins are getting deeper, and Samuels make 'em better at a critical position on offense. As for Turner's attitude about Snyder, it seems to be exactly what he says -- he will not be intimidated by the owner, despite otherwise perception. The coach will be respectful, but hardly intimidated.